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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Presidential debate is no wind job

By John McGory

Last night’s presidential debate made me proud to be an American.  President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney went toe-to-toe on the issues that are critical to America.  We love that these men running for the most powerful elected office in the world must defend their policy positions on live television.

The debate showed clear differences between the two candidates’ energy policies.  

President Obama pushed more fuel-efficient automobiles, clean oil, natural gas and coal technology and the expansion of renewable energy.

Governor Romney's plans include more permitting and licensing for oil and gas on federal lands and waters, the opening of the Canadian oil pipeline, a strong support of the use of coal and the reduction of environmental regulations.

Our country's energy future cannot be based solely on carbon-based fuels.  As President Obama said last night, an “all of the above” energy plan must include strong support for wind, solar and biofuels.  

President Obama pointed out Governor Romney’s opposition to extending wind energy tax credits that could cost America thousands of jobs in Ohio, Iowa and Colorado.  He quoted the governor as saying those jobs were “imaginary.”

Romney responded to this criticism of his energy plan by saying, “I appreciate wind jobs in Iowa.”

Appreciating renewable energy jobs and supporting them through tax credits are two different approaches to our energy future.  The government must support renewable technology and not simply give it lip service while providing billions in tax breaks to the oil industry.

The second point of contention came over the price of gasoline.  Four-dollar-a-gallon prices have hurt American pocketbooks.  Governor Romney indicated that if he became president that his policies would lower gas prices.

Pulitizer Prize-winning columnist, Robert B. Semple, Jr., in a March 17, 2012 column in the New York Times, “Obama sets oil prices?  Just another GOP myth” correctly points out that the president has no control over oil prices.  World markets set prices as supply and demand fluctuates depending on issues ranging from “a worldwide recession, an embargo or conflict in the Middle East.”

Prices will come down when oil use is reduced through its more efficient use and as other energy alternatives become available.  Governor Romney’s plan of drilling our way to energy independence will not succeed without increasingly efficient cars that may or may not use oil as a fuel.

Our energy future will determine many of the others issues facing our country including jobs and the deficit.  An “all-of-the-above” approach is what we need to truly become energy independent.  This will improve our economy and create jobs. 

The spirited give and take between two qualified candidates made for great political theater.  They both laid out their energy plans and it is our belief that President Obama’s plan makes more sense for our energy future. 

John McGory is an Ohio Energy Soldier.  Follow our daily posts on Facebook.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Big oil is driving the Romney train

 By John McGory

This past August Mitt Romney raised $10 million dollars from Texas oil executives in the days before he announced his energy plan for America.  It is no surprise the plan favors oil and coal over renewable energy sources.

The plan calls for the expansion of drilling for oil and gas along the coasts of the Carolinas and Virginia, the elimination of most federal safety and environmental standards that govern the development of energy resources on public lands and the end of tax credits for renewable energy sources.

The Washington Post reported, “Romney’s plan caters heavily to oil and gas interests, and oil executives are some of his biggest benefactors.”

Big oil is telling their candidate to kill the push for renewable energy.  His plan to eliminate the wind tax credit would cost America, and especially Ohio, California and Iowa, thousands of jobs and cede America’s leadership position in renewable energy to China, Germany and Spain.

Romney will take care of his benefactors by preserving big oil’s $2.4 billion tax credits. This is for companies, BP, Chevron, ExxonMobile, ConocoPhillips and Shell, that made $137 billion in 2011 and over $60 billion so far in 2012.

But that is not all they are going to get.  The Romney-Ryan tax plan will cut the corporate tax rate for big oil, giving them another $2.3 billion.  That is over $4 billion from the national treasury for companies that will have made over $200 billion dollars in the past two years.

Romney says these cuts will lead to lower prices at the pumps for American consumers.  Unfortunately, oil prices are not set by American oil companies.  They are set on a global basis and all these big oil tax benefits will do is line the pockets of the oil barons.

How important is the election of Romney to big oil?  David and Charles Koch, brothers who own Koch Industries, the second largest privately-held company in America, promised in April $200 million dollars to elect Mitt Romney as president over Barack Obama.

Big oil's death grip on our pocketbooks will not end until there is competition for our energy dollars.  This election is about keeping the expensive and environmentally destructive fossil fuel industry as our only energy choice or promoting new energy solutions such as wind, solar and bioenergy. 

Americans will have no one to blame but themselves for high energy costs, the ravaging of public lands and a carbon-filled atmosphere if they allow big oil to put their feet up in the Oval Office for another four-year reign.  It is your choice. 

John McGory is an Ohio Energy Soldier. 

Monday, October 8, 2012

Ohio and the presidential election

By John McGory

American will make a critical decision for president of the United States in 2012.  Barack Obama and Mitt Romney’s paths for solutions to our country’s problem are divergent and divisive.  Let’s take a look at their energy policy proposals and what they mean for Ohio.
The general policy difference between the two candidates is simple. President Obama wants to encourage renewable energy while continuing to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuel energy sources.  The challenger Romney wants to release the coal and oil industries from the requirements of the 1970 Clean Air Act in an effort to increase national energy production.

This difference will determine how energy jobs are created.  Obama’s focus on renewable energy has created 3.1 million new green jobs, including 126,000 in Ohio.   CNN reported that the top three clean-tech states employ more people in green jobs than the coal industry does nationwide.  The wind industry now has 75,000 workers in the U.S. compared to 81,000 in the coal industry.

Romney says four million new jobs in oil, gas and coal industries will be created by opening up coastal Virginia and the Carolinas for oil exploration and cutting back on environment regulations.

The regulations Romney wants to gut are from the 1970 Clean Air Act.  President Richard Nixon signed into law the act which is the foundation for many of today’s environmental regulations.  Many of Romney’s proposals would require major reductions in America’s environmental standards.

Another major difference between the candidates is in energy tax credits.  Romney favors a proposal to eliminate the wind energy tax credit while refusing to end the tax credits for fossil fuel energy. This would have a devastating impact on Ohio which ranked as the fastest growing state for new wind-power installations last year. 

Obama supports the wind tax credit and a reduction in the $4 billion a year the oil industry receives in tax credits. 

The car mileage standards negotiated between the auto industry and the federal government is also up for debate.  An agreement between the federal government and the auto industry sets the standard of 54.5 miles per gallon for autos by 2025.  It will save Americans an average of $8000 over the life of the car while reducing greenhouse emissions.  The auto industry does not want to renegotiate the standards.  Romney wants to reduce it anyway.

Polls show approximately eighty percent of Americans support the increased production and use of renewable energy.  The explosion of renewable energy into the consciousness of the world is stunning.  Going back in time now and solely embracing fossil fuel energy to the detriment of renewable energy makes no sense.

Two great Ohioans, Orville and Wilbur Wright, were the first to build and fly an airplane.  Sixty-six years later another great Ohioan, Neil Armstrong, walked on the moon.  The stunning advancement of aviation technology is only one example of how quickly innovation can come once you start focusing the country’s intentions on it.    

The energy policy difference between the two candidates is stark.  We cannot go back to the 1960s and power our world solely on fossil fuels.  We must look to the future and trust technology will continue to lead our country to greater heights.  The energy policy differences between the candidates makes Ohio Energy Soldiers’ support for the reelection of Barack Obama for president of the United States an easy one.

John McGory is an Ohio Energy Soldier.  Become a fan of our Facebook page by going to this link.  We support a strong Ohio economy linked to renewable energy.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Obama or Romney? Nah, electricity

By John McGory
This year’s presidential election will determine who our country’s leader will be.  Regardless of who wins, the real power in our world is electricity.

Electricity is the one leader we cannot do without.  We can change presidents and prime ministers but could you imagine the state of world affairs if we lost power for a substantial period of time? It would be very ugly.

The recent storms that ripped through the Midwest and Middle Atlantic states left millions without electricity for up to a week.  Ask any business or individual who didn’t have power for a week how important electricity is to them today.  They would kneel to the all powerful king.

The world’s economic and environmental future hinges on how we continue to provide a steady, reliable stream of electricity for a growing world.  The world-wide consumption of electricity doubled since 1980 and is expected to double again by 2030. 

China doubled its electric power system between 2006 and 2010.  India electric consumption will increase fivefold from 2010 to 2030. 

The United States electric needs sound modest in comparison to developing countries.  The U.S. electricity consumption will increase by 1.4 percent a year for the next two decades, according to Daniel Yergin in his book, “The Quest.”  But don’t be fooled, it will not be easy to produce.   Yergin says the U.S. will need to build about 300 new standard-sized coal-fired plants or 150 nuclear reactors to meet that increased consumption.

So how does the world get from here to there to meet it insatiable hunger for electricity?  Here are two questions that need to be answered:
1.   What types of fuel will countries use to produce their electricity needs? 
2.    How will the world pay for the estimated $14 trillion it will cost to accommodate this growth?        

Electricity’s great strength is its flexibility.  It is not a primary energy resource but one that is made from other resources.    Coal, natural gas and uranium are today’s big three with coal supplying 45 percent of the power for electricity, followed by natural gas at 23 percent and rising, and nuclear at 20 percent.  Hydropower supplies seven percent, wind approximately two percent and oil one percent. 

These primary resources are competing for a piece of the worldwide $14 trillion electric pie.  They all have their pluses and minuses.  Coal, natural gas and nuclear are the big boys who are elbowing their way into position.

They are trying to elbow out renewable energies.  The big three continue to say that renewable energies are decades away from having a significant impact on the world’s electricity needs.

This year’s presidential election will put Barack Obama and Mitt Romney in a tight spot.  Huge contributions are coming in from the big energy producers.  But 85 percent of the public wants renewable energies to play a bigger role in meeting our energy needs. 

The candidates are going to walk a tightrope in appeasing big energy contributors while assuring the public that renewables will play a part in our energy future.  Listen closely to the candidates and you should be able to tell who is paying for the words that are coming out of their mouths. 

Electricity is our sovereign ruler.  We need it to live in our modern world.  The need for more power is great so the stakes are high.  Our economic and environmental future hinges on how we produce and pay for electricity.  The king must be served.
John McGory is an Ohio Energy Soldier and a partner in Webface, an original content marketing company.              

Friday, July 6, 2012

Renewable energy needs to find more ways that won't work

By John McGory

Support for renewable energy is nonpartisan.  Polls show Republicans and Democrats equally support the development of new sustainable sources of energy for our country.  This hasn’t prevented the presidential candidates from sparring over the bumpy road to renewable energy. 

Presidential candidate Mitt Romney continues to slam the Obama Administration over the $528 million in loans the administration gave to the now-bankrupt Solyndra, a solar-panel manufacturer located in California.

The Obama camp has fired back about Massachusetts’ Green Energy Fund which was supported by then-Governor Romney.  Three of the 12 companies funded by the state have gone bankrupt or were sold for a loss.

If support for renewable energy is strong and nonpartisan, then the U.S. must not only accept failure, but embrace it.

One of America’s great inventors, Ohio’s own Thomas Edison, realized the importance of failure in innovation.  Edison said this about his many attempts at creating the light bulb, “I have not failed.  I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”

Edison and his team worked around the clock for a decade to create the first central electric generating plant in the United States.  The Pearl Street Station in lower Manhattan lit J.P. Morgan’s house.  He was one of Edison’s major investors. 

Morgan’s house had 385 light bulbs that were powered by a specially built steam engine and electric generator in the basement.  The wiring set Morgan’s library on fire and the equipment had an irritating clanging noise.  Morgan commented that “I hope the Edison Company appreciates the value of my house as an experimental station.” 

Edison’s biggest complaint was financing the expensive project.  Costs were a serious problem as the price for copper, needed for the wires, kept going up.  His comment regarding his investors sums up today’s struggles with renewable energy development.  “Capital is timid,” said Edison.

His plan to bring electricity into private homes was ridiculed by many.  Experts appointed by the English Parliament disregarded Edison’s innovations as “good enough for our transatlantic friends” but “unworthy of the attention of practical or scientific men.”

Today our country has an integrated electric grid system second to none.  The genius and persistence of Thomas Edison is one of the main reasons for its success.  If our goal is to power our cities through renewable energies 100 years from today, then that same zest for finding ways that won’t work is needed.  Complaints about perceived failures in achieving this goal are unworthy of practical or scientific men.

John McGory is an Ohio Energy Soldier.  OES supports the research and funding of renewable energies and every Ohioans responsibilty to reduce their personal carbon footprint.  Go our Facebook fan page for more information.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Oil's Red Herring: World Hunger

 By John McGory

Conspiracy theories are based on the notion that complex plots are put into motion by powerful forces.  The plots’ goals are often to dupe the public and steal their money or power.   The plotters’ tools include switching the argument or blaming other people or ideas for the “real” problem.
Recent comments by two pro-oil powerhouses may point to a new strategy by fossil fuel supporters that may be worth keeping an eye on by the conspiracy theorists.
Rex Tillerson, ExxonMobil’s chief executive, recently used the “switching the argument” tactic.  He said in New York City that tackling global poverty should have a higher international priority than reducing carbon emissions, because it would give billions of the world’s energy poor access to oil and gas supplies.
“They’d love to burn fossil fuels because their quality of life would rise immeasurably,” said Tillerson.  “You’d save millions upon millions of lives making fossil fuels available to parts of the world that don’t have it.”
Tillerson believes world hunger is the “real” problem and oil can solve it.
Now go across the pond to Norway and hear how Ivar Giaever, Norwegian physicist and 1973 Nobel Prize winner, blames alternative energies for preventing hungry children from being fed. 
"In particular, I am worried about all the money wasted on alternative energies, when so many children in the world go hungry to bed," said the physicist.
Giaever clearly blames alternative energy development as the reason why the world has hungry children.
Hmmm.  It appears from these comments from two esteemed energy experts that the "real" world problem is world hunger, oil can solve it and alternative energy is preventing its solution.
World hunger is a serious problem that needs to be tackled but it is being used as a red herring in Tillerson and Giaever's arguments.
A "red herring" is a fallacy in which an irrelevant topic is presented in order to divert attention from the original issue.  These energy experts are discussing oil and alternative energy issues so they introduce world hunger under the guise of being relevant to energy issues.  The world hunger issue becomes the focal point and energy issues are dismissed.
Is world hunger going to be the next political football used to take people’s attention away from the economic and environmental problems associated with an oil-dominated world? An argument could easily be made that increased production of lower cost renewable fuels could be the true answer to solving world hunger.
Switching the argument or blaming others for our “real”problems are two age-old political strategies to draw attention away from an issue. The conspiracy theory crowd may want to keep their eye on how this developing oil/alternative energy/world hunger argument plays out. 
John McGory is an Ohio Energy Soldier.  Go to our fan page on Facebook to like Ohio Energy Soldiers.


Friday, June 29, 2012

Oil: Our donut-eating diet

By John McGory

The world's economy continues to die a slow death.  The reason is simple.  Any good economic news is followed by a spike in oil futures which quickly dampens any enthusiasm for the good news. 

Today's example is from Europe.  European leaders agreed on a plan to use bailout funds to directly aid banks in Spain and Italy.   So boom, this leads to a surge in the euro, equities and commodities markets and a $4 a barrel increase in oil futures.

A Chicago trader, quoted by the Wall Street Journal, said "We got the good news from the EU and equities took off.  That's what's driving us higher."

How can the world economy recover if soaring oil prices continue to choke any good economic news?   It is like celebrating a pound loss in a diet by eating a box of donuts.

The U.S. economy is driven by the consumer.  Seventy percent of our economy is built on people buying stuff.   But anytime Joe Consumer gets a few extra bucks in his pocket from extra hours at work or a raise, higher oil prices snatch it away before he can spend it.

That is why I believe we cannot survive in this economic environment.  Oil's stranglehold on our economy allows us to live but not flourish.  The lack of competition allows oil companies to charge what the market will bear. 

An improvement in our standard of living will only come when other energy sources compete with big oil.   We need to encourage our elected leaders to push for faster development of renewable sources of energy. 

Write your representative a letter or call them up and ask them what they are doing to promote renewable sources of energy.   The status quo will not change unless we decide it is time to change.

Our oil-based economy is slowly killing us.  The U.S. and Ohio's economy are sure to continue to stagnate as long as we have our addiction to oil.  We either push for change or continue on our donut-eating diet.    

John McGory can be contacted at

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Ohio: A picture of renewable mediocrity

By John McGory

The U.S. Department of Energy's website ranks state's in terms of their renewable energy production.  Ohio is truly mediocre when it comes to its ranking.  We are 38th.

It is easy to see why states like Texas and Iowa are big wind power states, California a solar state and Idaho a hydro power generator.  These states have the natural resources to create power that Ohio does not.

It is sort of like rooting for Ohio professional sports teams.  We cheer mightly for our teams but know that we have a hard time running with the big dogs.

"We always do our best" is the phrase uttered by countless Ohio pro atheletes.  They tell their fans that as long as the team is giving its all, then good things will eventually happen.

When it comes to renewable energy production one wonders if Ohio is doing its best? The Ohio Legislature passed a 2008 mandate requiring Ohio to produce 12.5 percent of its power by renewable energy by 2025 and another 12.5 percent by alternative energy.  Renewables are solar, wind and hydro and alternatives include clean coal technology and reduced energy consumption.

Is that a good enough goal for Ohio?  The U.S. Department of Energy says Ohio produces 9.15 percent of its energy from renewable sources.  That means we only have to increase our renewable energy production by 3.35 percent in the next 13 years to meet our goal.  Seems like we can do a lot better.

Michigan voters will decide this November if their state shall require a 25 percent standard for renewable energy by 2025.  The big corporate types are coming out against it.  It is an election Ohioans should keep their eyes on. 

Let's not accept mediocrity when it comes to renewable energy.  Maybe we won't produce 100 percent of our state's energy needs like Idaho, but setting the bar a little higher could get us out of the rut known as 38th place.

John McGory is a partner in the original content marketing company, Webface, and a licensed Realtor.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Join the Ohio Energy Soldiers

By John McGory

Energy is the key to the future.  Developing renewable, clean sources of energy will improve our economy, our national security and the well-being of all of our family and friends.

Support for renewable energy is a non-partisan issue.  Polls show 85 percent of the people support it.  But changing from fossil-based energy to clean, renewable energy will take many years and the dedication of everyone to achieve it. 

The issue is simple.  The world won’t change unless we change it one person at a time.  This organization plans to do just that and would like you to join us.

Our goal is to gain supporters for energy independence and a “renewable security” for our state and nation.

You can join by liking us on Facebook.  Go here to do that    

Please join us if you want to make a difference.  Post on our Facebook page how you or others are changing the world one bit at a time.  If you agree, then pass along this link and encourage your friends and family to join.

Take the Ohio Energy Soldier oath: 

“As an Ohio Energy Soldier I will strengthen our state by supporting energy independence by reducing my personal carbon footprint.  I support a non-partisan approach, research and development and the use of less Ohio water for clean energy development.  I will defend our “renewable security” and support a stronger Ohio economy through a clean energy future.”
Let us honor the thousands of soldiers who have died in wars protecting sources of oil.  Let us honor them by becoming a stronger, more secure Ohio and America by producing our own energy needs through renewable clean energy.

John McGory is a partner at Webface, an original content marketing company. 

Monday, March 19, 2012

Housing ready to bloom?

By John McGory   

Spring is in the air.  The warm weather and sunny skies improve everyone’s mood.  Spring is also the time when people consider their housing options.  The Real Estate Swami says that it may be the best time in five years to buy or sell a house.

“Housing may be ready to bloom,” says the Swami.  “The economic outlook is much improved as reflected in strong retail sales of automobiles.  New car sales are the best they’ve been in four years.”

Job creation is also on the mend.  In the first two months of 2012, the economy added approximately 500,000 new jobs.  Swami says new jobs are the seeds for a housing recovery.

“New job creation begins the domino effect in housing.  This brings new people into the housing market creating positive momentum at the rental and starter-home segments.  The housing surge then cascades through the higher-end housing market over time,” remarked the Swami.

The glut of bank-owned homes is still a drag on the housing economy but it may begin to subside.  The Swami has seen a noticeable uptick in central Ohio houses going into contract.

“In my efforts to find housing for several clients, it is clear that existing home sales are improving.  Superior products that are priced right are going into contract within days.  This is a positive sign and could bring about the first substantial appreciation in home values in six years,” predicts the Swami.

If you are considering buying or selling a home in the near future, then Swami suggests to keep an eye on local house sales.

“How close to the listing price a house sells for is a good barometer for the housing health of neighborhoods,” says the Swami.   The days of deep discounts and a housing market severely tilted in favor of buyers may be coming to an end.”  

John McGory is a licensed Realtor and partner in Webface, a content marketing company.  If the swami can help you in either buying or selling a home, then please feel free to call at 614-581-3610 or send an email to   We will be honored to assist you.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Presidential Candidates Silent on Housing

By John McGory

The Real Estate Swami said in his last post that he would listen to the candidates regarding their positions on housing as they vie for Ohio primary voters.

Well the Swami sees he won't have to waste his time since the candidates are refusing to talk housing and real estate.

TC Brown is covering the 2012 presidential election media coverage for the Columbia Journalism Review's 2012 Election Swing State Project.  Here is what Brown writes regarding the Republican candidates' position on housing:

The Blade article, penned by Tony Cook, zeroed in not on what Romney and Santorum are talking about, but what they aren’t—the housing crisis. Cook starts by paying close attention to the candidates’ rhetoric:

Attend a speech by Mitt Romney or Rick Santorum and you’re likely to hear all kinds of claims about the economy — gas prices are too high, deficit spending is out of control, and government regulations are hindering free enterprise.

But as the two leading Republican candidates crisscross Ohio and Michigan, an odd omission has emerged in their speeches. Neither has mentioned the housing crisis.

…Mr. Santorum didn’t mention the foreclosure crisis during Ohio speeches in Columbus, Akron, and Georgetown, either.

Mr. Romney also has avoided the issue during recent appearances in Cincinnati, Cleveland, Monroe, and Shelby Township, Michigan.

That seems a noteworthy omission since Michigan, which holds its primary Tuesday, has the fifth highest foreclosure rate in the country, while Ohio ranks 12th.

The silence may result from the candidates’ taking their signals from GOP primary voters. Cook does a good job exploring the underlying reasoning, first with insight from Don Haurin, an Ohio State University economist.

In wooing their Republican base, the two front-runners are emphasizing their conservative credentials. That means an emphasis on fewer government regulations and less intervention in the free market. That message doesn’t do much to reassure those who have lost their homes or are facing foreclosure, Mr. Haurin said.

“You’re telling them there’s no help and that’s not going to win you any votes,” he said.

Cook follows that gem up with a quote from Eric Herzik, chairman of the political science department at the University of Nevada-Reno: “The easy answer to why Republican candidates don’t talk about this is they don’t have any type of solution. You can say it’s tough love, but it’s not the 30-second sound bite you want.”

The Swami thinks this avoidance of the issue is unfortunate.  Ohioans continue to hurt from the recession and not talking about the housing crisis is wrong.

"Housing and real estate are a drag on Ohio's economy.  We want answers from those wishing to lead us, not sound bites," says the Swami.

John McGory is a licensed realtor and a partner in Webface, a content marketing company.  He can be reached at

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Ohio Primary and Real Estate

By John McGory

The traveling political circus known as the presidential primary comes to Ohio this week.  Ohio is the main target for the Republican candidates. 
The Real Estate Swami will be listening for credible ideas from the candidates on how they plan to improve Ohio’s economy.

“Ohio’s economy, led by the real estate and building industry, has suffered long enough.  People of Ohio are hurting and need help.  We need enlightened leaders who put positive results ahead of poll numbers,” says the Swami. 

Swami credits for putting together a chart on where the presidential candidates stand on a few basic real estate issues. 

The Swami encourages Ohioans to ask questions of the candidates via social media.  You can go to the candidates’ Facebook pages to get an idea of their positions on issues and what the campaigns see as important enough to post.
Here are the links to the four main candidates:

“It is important that we take the time to ask questions of the candidates and ponder where we go from here.  Real estate is the backbone of our country.   We need to protect and encourage home ownership and the candidates need to tell us how they plan to do it.  Glib 30-second sound bites will not work,” says the Swami.
John McGory is a licensed Realtor and is a partner in Webface, a content marketing company (  You can reach him at

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Your Drop in the Bucket

By John McGory

The Real Estate Swami asks a favor of you.  Answer this simple question:  Are you environmentally friendly?  Most of you will answer yes, as did the swami.  But the swami knows he can be a better steward of the environment. 

The Swami found this list of ten tips to help him keep the environment in mind as he lives his modest life.  He would like to share it with you.

1.  Turn off lights when you are not in a room.  The mind sometimes forgets the little detail of flipping a switch.
2.  Don’t let the water run unnecessarily when brushing teeth and washing dishes.
3.  Upgrade insulation, especially in older homes.
4.  Check for air leaks around windows and doors.
5.  Buy earth friendly cleaning products including laundry detergent.
6.  Buy energy efficient light bulbs.
7.  Use cloth diapers.  A disposable diaper takes 500 years to biodegrade in a landfill.
8.  Unplug appliances when not in use.
9.  Look for Energy Star products.
10.  Recycle.
These are a few ideas that will allow us all to help the environment.   Many of you are already doing these and more.  The Swami begs a thousand pardons from you for not always doing his part for the environment.  He asks to keep the words of Mother Teresa in mind when considering if our small effort at helping the environment is worth it.

“We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the bucket.  But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.”

Everyone’s home is a nicer place if the environment is clean.  If you have questions regarding your home or you know someone who does, send us an email and we will help you find the answers.

John McGory is a central Ohio residential and commercial Realtor.  He is also a partner in Webface, a content marketing company ( He can be reached at

Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Swami and Home Equity Insurance

By John McGory

A new wrinkle in the real estate world is the home equity insurance programs being promoted by Home Value Protection and other insurers.  The Real Estate Swami says all should move carefully when considering such policies.

The equity insurance programs are aimed at protecting homeowners from steep drops in the value of their home.   

Here is how it works.  Insurance buyers pay a monthly premium.  The insured will collect on the policy if both of the following happen.  One, the house sells for less than the value determined on the policy.  And two, homes throughout the area have dropped overall according to a national home price index. 

So if your home drops 20 percent but the overall market only drops two percent, then the policy will pay you two percent of your losses, not 20 percent. 

The Real Estate Swami says there are several considerations to keep in mind if you are considering purchasing a home equity insurance policy.

“In the past five years local home prices have dropped 11 percent.  It is likely we are near the bottom since little new housing stock is being added to the market.  Also, home equity insurers targeted central Ohio because of stable home prices.  While certain neighborhoods may continue to suffer, it is unlikely our regional price index will drop another 11 percent,” says the Swami.  “Keep in mind your payment is based on the percent drop of the entire market, not your individual home.”

The Swami says if the entire market does drop another 11 percent in the coming years, then the chances of the home equity insurance companies surviving would be slim. The best advice is to continue to try and build equity in your home.

“Pay yourself,” counsels the Swami.  “Reducing the principle on your loan each month by paying a little extra will put you in a better position when you sell than most insurance policies.”

John McGory is a licensed real estate agent in central Ohio.  He is also a partner in Webface, a content marketing company.  Get more information at

Friday, January 13, 2012

Central Ohio Real Estate Is Not Normal

By John McGory
A national real estate expert came to Columbus this week to tell us that the real estate market is close to normal again.  The Real Estate Swami says statistics can be deceiving.
Ted Jones, chief economist for Stewart Title, came to town to present his real estate forecast to the Columbus Board of Realtors, Building Industry Association and Columbus Mortgage Bankers.
The Real Estate Swami was there to listen to the Houston, Texas native.  The main thrust of Jones’ speech was we are back to 2002 sales levels and that is as good as it is going to get.  The bubble years from 2003 to 2009 are but a fond memory.   
Swami believes that the evidence in the streets of central Ohio is that while we are improving we have a ways to go before we see a “normal” real estate market.
“There is evidence that the housing market is gaining strength.  But to say this is normal is either a sign of the apocalypse or someone with little faith in the central Ohio housing market,” says the swami.
The swami points to a robust 1990s market with strong residential and commercial building as more typical of a normal central Ohio real estate market.  Those days will return as the economy continues to strengthen and job creation increases.
The central Ohio job market is still down 35,000 jobs from its peak in February 2008.  We have picked up 5,000 jobs in the last 12 months, including a 3,700-job uptick in November 2011.
“Columbus and central Ohio have always been considered the poor stepchildren from real estate experts around the country,” remarks the swami.  “But our market can do much better and will do so in the coming years if we continue to get strong local leadership from business and government.”
The swami did agree with Jones that one group that needs to be encouraged that real estate is a good investment are young adults.
“Renting gives the young the illusion of freedom.  That all is possible if you are not tied down to a property,” he says.  “But we must remember that they have grown up in the worst of real estate times.  The young will soon see that ownership is true freedom.”  
John McGory is a partner at Webface (, a content marketing company in central Ohio, and is a licensed real estate agent.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A New Year's Home Resolution

John McGory
Do you have a New Year’s resolution for your home this year? The Real Estate Swami says that January is the perfect time to reflect on where you live and what your plans are for your house or apartment.
“The cold, gray days of January are the time to meditate on where you live,” says the Swami.  “Once you become one with your thoughts then you can begin to plan.”
The Swami suggests looking back before looking ahead.  What activities and events did you enjoy in your home last year?  What would have made those times better?   What limitations or drawbacks in your living arrangements brought discomfort or disappointment?  Thinking about the recent past can give you a clearer vision of where you want to go. 
It may be improving your patio, deck or outdoor space.  A bigger kitchen may bring needed space.  Or it may be that the house or apartment has too many issues and that a new address is the right answer.
Maybe the changes are small but mighty ones.  A resolution need not mean spending a lot of money.   Sometime it is simple as painting or a thorough cleaning. 
Another idea is to practice the feng shui concept of moving 27 items in your house to change your life.   Many practice the Chinese art of feng shui to promote positive energy flowing through the home.  It provides balance and harmony to the home or office.  Here is a short video that explains feng shui
“Much can be done to improve the feeling of love and energy in the home.   It starts by uncluttering the mind and feeling the energy that is there.  Then you will begin to understand what needs to be done,” says the swami.
The Swami reminds all that peace starts in the heart and home.  He wishes each of you a joyous 2012.
John McGory is a partner in Webface, a content marketing company. He is also a licensed central Ohio real estate agent.  He can be reached at