By John McGory
The Real Estate Swami asks a favor of you. Answer this simple question: Are you environmentally friendly? Most of you will answer yes, as did the swami. But the swami knows he can be a better steward of the environment.
The Swami found this list of ten tips to help him keep the environment in mind as he lives his modest life. He would like to share it with you.
1. Turn off lights when you are not in a room. The mind sometimes forgets the little detail of flipping a switch.
2. Don’t let the water run unnecessarily when brushing teeth and washing dishes.
3. Upgrade insulation, especially in older homes.
4. Check for air leaks around windows and doors.
5. Buy earth friendly cleaning products including laundry detergent.
6. Buy energy efficient light bulbs.
7. Use cloth diapers. A disposable diaper takes 500 years to biodegrade in a landfill.
8. Unplug appliances when not in use.
9. Look for Energy Star products.
10. Recycle.
These are a few ideas that will allow us all to help the environment. Many of you are already doing these and more. The Swami begs a thousand pardons from you for not always doing his part for the environment. He asks to keep the words of Mother Teresa in mind when considering if our small effort at helping the environment is worth it.
“We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the bucket. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.”
Everyone’s home is a nicer place if the environment is clean. If you have questions regarding your home or you know someone who does, send us an email and we will help you find the answers.
John McGory is a central Ohio residential and commercial Realtor. He is also a partner in Webface, a content marketing company ( He can be reached at
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